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Wings of Fire Love Ships & Ratings



Bruh, I know that Winter likes Moon, but if Moon did not  date Qibli, Qibli would probebly be VERY DIFFERENT. Also Winter can be really mean to Moon. At least Qibli is nice. This one is just... NOPE. What do you think about this ship?




This is literally one of my favourite ships. I LOVE IT. Honestly, it's great. In the 15th book, Luna asks Cricket if she had to either save her tribe or save Blue, who would she pick.  Cricket literally says to Luna, a dragon she doesn't know very well, all her feelings about Blue. She says, " Blue right away. If it doesn't look like I miss blue it's because I am trying not to cry everyday, whenever I am away from him I feel like I can't breath, and when I am near him I feel like I have been wrapped up in flamesilk." I know what you are thinking right now. "Woh!!!!" And we all know that blue loves cricket. This ship is cannon.




This is another one of my favourite ships. The first time Qibli saw moon he was like, "I know I shouldn't trust nightwings buuuuut... I feel like something is different about her. I like the scales near her eyes. I wonder what she thinks of me?"  And like... I JUST LOVE IT. I DON'T KNOW WHY OKAY. DON'T JUDGE ME!!! Moon read his mind and was hearing all these thoughts from him and was like, "Ummmmmmm," Also Qibli is realy funny and Moon is really shy, so maybe Qibli could help Moon crawl out of her shell a little bit.




Okay. I really like this ship but SUS. REALLY REALLY SUS. First off,  DEATHBRINGER WAS !^ WHEN HE MET GLORY AND SHE WAS 6. Bro, 6. That would be like an 18 year old dating a 54 year old! WHAT THE HEEEEEECK! 





This is honestly a great ship. They are always teasing each other. It is so funny. The first time they met Tsunami tried attacking him, and then accidentally said to Riptide, "Hi sparking teeth, I love 3 of your claws but not the others, and I wish your nose was a herring so I could eat it." HAHAHAHAH. 😜




 Peril and Clay first meet when Peril talks with Clay at Scarlet's arena, and Clay is in a cage. Tsunami seems to see that Peril likes Clay, but Clay doesn't understand it at all for a very long time. And it is still unsure whether Clay even knows how much Peril is in love with him. Additionally, Clay doesn't show any true feelings for Peril, but Peril is madly in love with him.




I love it. They are just meant to be together. They have loved each other for years. Ever since Luna's first day of school she fell for Swordtail. Swordtail is really funny and Luna is always fll of big ideas. 






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